Simple Past e Past Continuous – 7º ano – Língua Inglesa – 3ª semana - 20/08/2020
1- Answer these questions in English. (Responda as perguntas em inglês.)
a) When did José move to Brazil?
b) Who traveled back and forth for 2 or 3 years from Brazil and back to Buenos Aires?
c) How did José’s father spend his time?
2- Write a text about your life (when you were born; where you were born; what happened in your life in the last 3 years, etc).
Disponível em: Acesso em 08 de jul. de 2020
3- Ao lermos a história em quadrinhos, observamos que Earl aponta uma situação que não gostou e que gerou um mal entendido. Identifique a situação e como foi resolvida.
4- Retire da história em quadrinhos duas orações em que os verbos estejam no Past Continuous.
5- Complete the sentences with the Past Continuous tense and match them to the pictures.
a) He ___________________ (play) the guitar when his mom came home.
b) My sister _______________ (cry) when she came home from school.
c) They _________________ (have) dinner last night when the police arrived.
d) The students _____________ (watch) a movie when the principal arrived.