ATIVIDADE 14 – Comparative and Superlative in Adjectives. - 27/08/2021

1.Explique o processo de formação das palavras ENDLESS e REDISCOVER e, em seguida, identifique o significado do prefixo e sufixo presentes nessas palavras.

2. Retire do texto um verso que possui uma comparação.

3. Base on the comic strip, choose the right answer to the following question. (Baseado na tirinha, escolha a
resposta correta para a pergunta a seguir.)

Why won’t cascão be interested in being the girl’s boyfriend?
a) ( ) Because Cascão will be very old when the girl will take a bath.
b) ( ) Because the girl will love him when she will take a bath.
c) ( ) Because Cascão will be engaged to another person when she will be old.
d) ( ) Because the girl will be very old when he will take a bath.

4. Mark an X TRUE or FALSE according to the text. (Marque um X TRUE ou FALSE de acordo com o texto.)

5. Complete the sentences with the Comparative of the adjectives. (Complete  as orações com o Comparativo dos adjetivos.)

a) My sister sings better than I do, but I play guitar _____________(good) than she does.

b) Bárbara is _____________(strong) than I am.

c) This is boring. Let’s do something _____________(interesting).

d) Júlia is ______________ (old) than her sister.

6. Complete the sentences with the Superlative of the adjectives. (Complete  as orações com o Superlativo dos adjetivos.)

a) There are 15 houses on our street. Our house is the ________ (big) one.

b) This is ________ (good) song I have ever heard!

c) Out of all the students in our class, I am ________(short).

d) This is ________ (expensive) book in the whole store.

Now, I live in Goiânia, the biggest city in Goiás, but I have lived in different cities in Goiás. I think my favorite cities are Aruanã and Jataí. As you know the weather is colder in Jataí. I lived in Jataí in 2018 and I always went to the movies and parks. Jataí is bigger than Aruanã.
In Aruanã, it is hotter and we can fish at Araguaia River. And, in my opinion, Araguaia River is the most beautiful river in Goiás. We can eat delicious dishes there. I think I will visit my friends in Aruanã again.

7. Answer these questions in English. (Responda as peguntas em Língua Inglesa.)

a) Which city is hotter, Jataí or Aruanã?
b) In the author’s opinion, which is the most beautiful river in Goiás?
c) What can we eat in Aruanã?
d) What is the biggest city in Goiás?

8. Match the columns. (Associe as colunas.)

9. Make questions to the following answers. (Elabore perguntas para as Respostas a seguir.)

a) _____________________________________________________________?

Yes, the weather in Aruanã is hotter than in Jataí.

b) _____________________________________________________________?

10. Based on the text, write a small text comparing 3 cities that you have visited. (Baseado no texto, escreva um pequeno texto comparando 3 cidades que você já visitou.)

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