ATIVIDADE 17 – Future forms - 08/10/2021

Disponível em: Acesso em 28 de set. de 2021

1. Sabemos agora que existem outras formas de se expressar o futuro na língua inglesa. Temos o Simple Future no qual utilizamos um verbo auxiliar: WILL e temos o Future with Going to. Normalmente, utilizamos esses dois formatos com intenções diferentes.

Faça uma leitura atenciosa do quadro acima e assinale TRUE para as afirmações verdadeiras e FALSE para as afirmações falsas:

a) Usamos futuro com Will quando tomamos uma decisão no momento da fala.  
b) Usamos o futuro com Going to quando nos baseamos em alguma evidência.  
c) Usamos o futuro com o futuro com Will quando estamos fazendo planos.  

2. Escreva, em português:

a) Três (3) funções do Future with Will ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b) Três (3) funções do Future with Going to

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Disponível em: Acesso em 29 de set. de 2021.

3. Rewrite the sentences using the contract form of Will (‘ll).

a) It will get dark.


b) He will get nervous.


c) They will get old.


4. Change the sentences to the negative and interrogative forms:

a) This will be the future.



b) You will have problems here.



c) He will give you attention.

____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Disponível em: Acesso em 29 de set. de 2021.

5. No texto acima, o “going to” é usado em vários momentos para falar do futuro. Por qual motivo? O que o autor deseja expressar?


6. About the text, choose the correct statement:

(A) The boy really loves play soccer.

(B) He is planning to be a tennis player in the future.

(C) He doesn’t play tennis yet.

(D) He is going to play tennis until he is 25.

7. Now is your turn! Write a plan for your future using Future with going to. Look the example:

In the future, I am going to be an English teacher and travel around the world.


Disponível em: Acesso em 29 de set. de 2021.

8. Complete the sentences with Future with Going to by using the verb in parentheses.

a) I don’t know where he ______________________________ (to live).

b) Do you know what she ______________________________ (to do) tomorrow?

c) You ______________________________ (to meet) an interesting person.

d) We don’t understand why they ______________________________ (to study) Korean.

e) There ______________________________ (to be) a hard competition.

9. Read the comic strip and find the Simple Future tense:

Disponível em: Acesso em 29 de set. de 2021.

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