ATIVIDADE 17- Modal Verbs (should) - 05/10/2021

O Modal Verb é um tipo especial de verbo auxiliar que é usado junto com um verbo principal, alterando-lhe ou completando-lhe o sentido.

De modo geral, indicam possibilidade, obrigação, dedução, permissão, habilidade, vontade, desejo ou, ainda, o tom da conversa (formal / informal). São eles: can, may, must, shall, will, could, might, ought to, should e would.

1. Sabemos que o Verbo Modal Should pode ser usado para dar conselhos. Escreva os conselhos que você daria em cada imagem. Siga o exemplo.

1. She should not (shouldn’t) watch TV so much.      2. ___________________________________________

3. _______________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________

2. Complete the sentences. Use SHOULD + the verb in parentheses.

a) When you play tennis, you ____________________________ (to watch) the ball.

b) It’s late and you are very tired. You ____________________________ (to go) to bed.

c) You ____________________________ (to clean) your teeth twice a day.

d) If you have time, you ____________________________ (to visit) the Science Museum. It’s very interesting.

e) When you’re driving, you ____________________________ (to wear) a seat belt.

f) It’s too far to walk from here to the station. You ____________________________ (to take) a taxi.

3. Read the comic strips below and write down the sentence with Should, then explain the using of the modal verb.




4. Use the prompts and the correct form of should to write sentences.

a) we / go / out for a meal sometime


b) Martin / do / more sport


c) you / see / a dentist


d) you / not be / rude to Chris


e) we / study / for the exam _______________________________________________________________________________________


5. Change the sentences to the interrogative form:

a) You should use the computer.


b) She should send me an e-mail.


c) They should buy him a present.


d) He should wear smart clothes.


e) The bus should be on time.


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