ATIVIDADE 19 – Caso Genitivo - 05/11/2021

Disponível em: Acesso em 16 de out. de 2021.

1. O Genitive case ou Possessive case serve para mostrar posse, ou seja, que algo pertence a algo ou alguém. Siga o exemplo e traduza os casos abaixo:

a) the Queen’s popularity – a popularidade da rainha

b) the governor’s wife


c) the manager’s office


d) my neighbor’s house


e) the children’s toys


f) the lion’s roar


g) the elephant’s trunk


2. Reescreva as sentenças usando ‘s. Observe o exemplo:

a) I’m going to borrow (the bicycle – my brother)

I’m going to borrow my brother’s bicycle.

b) We all enjoyed (the party – last night)


c) I live next door to (house – uncle Harry)


3. Complete as frases com o “possuidor” que está entre parênteses. Lembre-se:

  • se o substantivo estiver no singular acrescentamos ‘s;
  • se o substantivo estiver no plural com um “s” no final, acrescentamos apenas o (‘);
  • se o substantivo estiver no plural sem “s” no final, acrescentamos ‘s.

a) ___________________________ laptop is very good. (Bob)

b) ___________________________ house is in the country. (grandparents)

c) Is ___________________________ birthday in June? (Mark)

d) ___________________________ room is on the right. (my parents)

e) ___________________________ shoes are in the wardrobe. (Jenny and Vicky)

COVID-19 vaccine from a tree

Farmers in Chile´s Casablanca area grow special trees. These trees are Quillay trees. Their bark can be important for a new COVID-19 vaccine. Indigenous people make soap and medicine from the tree. Scientists make some vaccines from it. The tree has some substances which make a body stronger against diseases. It seems that scientists will make a COVID-19 vaccine, too. It will be good for poorer countries. They do not have money for expensive vaccines.

Scientists use old trees. They will need more trees when they make the vaccine. They must find ways to grow many new trees quickly.

Difficult words: bark (the hard outer part of trees), indigenous (living in the same place for a very long time), substance (a material which is part of a thing).

Disponível em: Acesso em 16 de out. de 2021.

4. Encontre no texto um “Genitive Case” e reescreva o abaixo, em seguida traduza-o para o português.

5. Qual o nome da espécie de árvore que é citada no texto?

6. According to the text, put an X in TRUE or FALSE.

7. Which sentence is correct?

(A) The Bob’s house.

(B) The Bobs house.

(C) The Bobs’ house.

(D) The Bob’ house.

8. Choose the correct one:

(A) The children’s dog.

(B) The childrens dog.

(C) The childrens’ dog.

(D) The children’ dog.

9. Which sentence is correct?

(A) That is not my bag. It is my brother’s.

(B) That is not my bag. It is my brothers.

(C) That is not my bag. It is my brothers’s.

(D) That is not my bag. It is my brother’.

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