Atividade 19 – Classes gramaticais - 08/11/2021

Disponível em:  Acesso em 18 de out. de 2021 .

1. Parts of Speech ou Word Classes são as classes de palavras. Aqui separamos 8 classes de palavras para trabalharmos. Classifique as palavras destacadas abaixo em uma das 8 classes de palavras estudadas.

a) The dog howled. _______________________________________________________________________

b) We walked across the bridge. _____________________________________________________________

c) The loving mother comforted the baby. ____________________________________________________

d) The smart boy didn’t go. _______________________________________________________________

e) The baby cat was extremely cute. _________________________________________________________

f) The frog sat in the lower. ________________________________________________________________

g) My brother and my sister argued. _________________________________________________________

h) Wow!!! That jump was amazing! _________________________________________________________

2. Read the meme and find 3 (three) diferent verbs:

Disponível em:  Acesso em 19 de out. de 2021.

3. Read the comic strip and answer: what does GRUMPY mean? In which word class could you put it on?

4. Sobre a Comic Strip acima, o que estava deixando a menina “Grumpy”? A sugestão que ela recebeu, resolveu? Explique com suas palavras.

5. Encontre no quadrinho acima 3 (três) Pronouns.

A very big fish

Fishermen in the Mediterranean Sea found a huge sunfish in their fishing nets. They were very surprised by how big the fish was, so they called scientists.

The fish was 3.2 meters long, 2.9 meters wide, and it weighed nearly 2,000 kilograms. It was the biggest sunfish people saw in Ceuta, on the north coast of Africa. People see sunfish here very often because the fish travel through this area. Nobody expected to see a sunfish this big.

Sunfish is vulnerable in Europe, and vulnerable means that people must protect it, and they do not eat it. After scientists checked the fish, they released it back into the sea.

Difficult words: huge (very big), protect (to care about something, and keep it safe), release (to set free).

Disponível em: Acesso em 19 de out. de 2021.

6. Identifique no título “A very big fish”:

a) a noun: _______________________________________

b) an adjective: ___________________________________

c) an adverb: _____________________________________

7. According to the text, circle true or false:

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