Daily routines and different opinions / Interrogative Pronouns and Simple Present -Atividade 3 - 17/02/2021

You can learn English using Flashcards (videos or pictures).
Você pode aprender a Língua Inglesa, usando os Flashcards (vídeos ou gravuras).

Let’s watch a video, if you can!
(Vamos assistir a um vídeo, se você puder!)

Disponível em: http://zoomenglish.blogspot.com/2015/01/eso-1-daily-routine-in-borading-school.html Acesso em 21 de out. de 2020.

Now, let’s talk about the Interrogative Pronouns! (Agora, vamos falar sobre os Pronomes Interrogativos!)
If possible, you can watch this video. (Se possível, você pode assistir a esse vídeo.)





Qual? O quê?

A: What is Daniel doing?

B: He is brushing his teeth.



A: Who is your mom?

B: My mom is Lucia.



A: Where do you live?

B: I live in Jussara.



A: When is your birthday?

B: It is on May 09th.


De quem?

A: Whose car is this?

B: It is my car.



A: How are you?

B: Fine.

*O pronome interrogativo HOW pode possuir outros significados dependendo do adjetivo que o acompanhar, por exemplo, quando usamos o adjetivo OLD (HOW OLD) queremos saber a idade de alguém, BIG (HOW BIG) queremos saber o tamanho de algo, TALL (HOW TALL),  a altura de alguém, dentre outros.

  1. Connect the pictures to the corresponding sentences. (Ligue as figuras às frases correspondentes.)

Disponível em: https://br.pinterest.com/pin/334110866109957433/  Acesso em 23 de out. de 2020.

My daily routine

Hello!! I am Sophia. I am 11 years old. My birthday is in July. I live in Catalão. I usually wake up at 6 o’clock. I have breakfast with my family. I love coffee and milk. I have a shower at 6:20. I go to school on foot. I study English at school. I like painting and I read romantic books. My mom and I always go running in the afternoon.

Figura disponível em: https://www.istockphoto.com/br/vetor/ilustra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-emvetordeatividadesderotinadi%C3%A1ria-de-crian%C3%A7as-gm947438004-258697414 Acesso em 23 de out. de 2020.

2. Match the columns. (Associe as colunas.)

a) How old is Sophie?

b) What does Sophie love for breakfast?

c) Where does Sophie study English?

d) Who goes running in the afternoon?

e) Where does Sophie live?

(   ) She lives in Catalão.

(   ) She studies English at school.

(   ) She is 11 years old.

(   ) Sophie and her mom go running in the afternoon.

(   ) She loves coffee and milk.

3. Answer these questions and then ask your friends. Take notes in the following chart. (Responda essas perguntas e depois pergunte a seus amigos. Faça as anotações na tabela a seguir.)


Your answer

Your friend’s answer

Your friend’s answer

How old are you?




Where do you live?




When is your birthday?




What do you like to have for breakfast?




How do you go to school?




Daniel: Hello, how are you doing?

Gabriel:  Pretty good. I go running in the mornings. Do you want to come along?

Daniel: Yes, I do. Where do you go running?

Gabriel: I go running at Cascavel Park.

Daniel: What do you do in the afternoon?

Gabriel: I go to school. I have classes until 6:30 pm.

Daniel: I have to go now. Have a good day.

Gabriel: Bye. Take care.

Figura disponível em: https://freedesignfile.com/641609-cartoon-two-boys-friendly-talking-set-vector/ Acesso em 22 de out. de 2020.

4. Mark an X TRUE or FALSE according to the text. (Marque um X no verdadeiro ou falso de acordo com o texto.)




a)      Gabriel does not go running in the mornings.



b)      Daniel wants to go running with Gabriel.



c)      Daniel goes to school in the afternoon.



d)      Gabriel has classes until 6:30 pm.



5. É muito comum encontrarmos palavras na língua inglesa em músicas brasileiras. Identifique algumas dessas palavras nas músicas a seguir e faça um comentário sobre o significado dessas palavras.