AULA 05/2022 – Linking words - 07/03/2022


Nesta aula vamos conhecer palavras que tem a função de ligar outras palavras ou frases para formar o texto, são as LINKING WORDS.

Leia o trecho a seguir com a ajuda de sua (sua) professor(a):

1. Write what you understood from the text read. (Escreva o que você compreendeu do texto lido.)

Words highlighted in the text are LINKING WORDS.

(As palavras destacadas no texto são LINKING WORDS.)

2. Ao ler o texto sem as LINKING WORDS, que diferença você percebe?

3. Together with the teacher, analyze the table below: (Junto do (a) professor (a), faça a análise do quadro a seguir)

As you can see, these words have different meanings. They can attribute the sense of addition, sequence, consequence or opposition.

Choose the right Linking word to complete the sentences.

  4. ______________ to gentle, he is handsome and polite.

a) Earlier

b) In spite of

c) In addition

d) In that case

   5. He stopped eating fat food. ______________, he starting to get thin. 

a) Later

b) In that case

c) Moreover

d) However

6. _______________ I don’t have a lot of money, I want to buy a motocycle.

a) Although

b) To begin with

c) Thereby

d) Likewise

7. Numere os linking words com seus sinônimos mais próximos.

Lembre-se: os sinônimos podem ser usados de formas diferentes, mas expressam a mesma ideia.

8. Reescreva a sentença usando duas linking words para tornar o texto mais claro e coeso.

I like my cats a lot. They are stinky. Yesterday they escaped from the house we live. They stayed outside all night long.

Disponível: Acesso em 07 de 2022. (Adaptado)

9. Complete a sentença abaixo com liking words, a fim de evitar repetições e deixar o texto mais coeso.


I needed help with my garden ________________ it was a mess _____________ I called a gardener to help me. The gardener didn’t do a good job _________________ I’ll have to organize it myself.