AULA 06/2023 – Dreams and goals. Future: Will and Going to - 19/04/2023

http://Disponível em: Acesso em 15 de mar. de 2021

Talking about dreams:

Mom: – You’re going to study medicine in the best college in Brazil.

Son: I cannot believe the news. I am finally going to study medicine!

Mom: You deserve it my son.

Disponível em:  Acesso em 16 de mar. de 2021


Study: estudar                                             Best: melhor                                       College: faculdade

Belive: acreditar                                          Finally: finalizar                                 Deserve: merecer

1. Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B. (Combine as palavras na coluna A com seus significados na coluna B.)

Column A
(a) Achievement
(b) Purpose
(c) Knowledge
(d) Hardwork
(e) Wish
(f) Accomplishment
Column B
(    ) an impressive thing that is done or achieved after a lot of work.
(    ) a great deal of effort or endurance.
(    ) a desire or a feeling that you want to do something or have something.
(    ) a thing that someone has done succefully, especially using their own effort.
(    ) the information, understanding and skills that you gain through education or experience.
(    ) the intention, aim or function of something.

I have big dreams. My dreams are so big that they sometimes keep me awake at night. I know that I will achieve them, of course, I will. It is no use to have dreams if you cannot do anything about them. My mother says what matters is the purpose. “Dream my children, dream,” she often tells us. “You can be anything you want in this world, you can be anything. Don’t be afraid, be strong. Be strong my children and work towards your dreams.” I love my parents, I really do. I will make them very happy one day, I will really do.

What are my dreams? Not only do I want to be a surgeon, I also want to be one of the best surgeons in my country. I know I will make it, I will. I will work hard, every single day of my life, I will.

Disponível em:  Acesso em 16 de mar. de 2021.


Dream: sonho                                              World: mundo                                    Keep :manter              

Strong: forte                                                Awake: acordado                               Towards: direção

Know: saber                                                Parants: pais                                       Achieve: alcançar       

Do: fazer                                                      Matter: melhor                                   Purpose: propor

Children: crianças                                        Want: quiser

2. Choose the correct alternative to answer the questions. (Escolha a alternativa correta para responder as perguntas.)

2.1. Is the author certain about achieving his dreams?

(A) Yes, he is.

(B) No, he is not.

(C) Yes, he will.

(D) No, he won’t.

2.2. What is his dream?

(A) He wants to be a teacher.

(B) He wants to be a farmer like his father.

(C) He wants to study engineering.

(D) He wants to be a surgeon.

3. Complete the questions and pay attention to the answers and the verb tenses. (Complete as perguntas e preste atenção nas respostas e nos tempos verbais.)

a) Charles: What _____________________________________________________________?

Fabio: I am going to watch a movie this weekend.

b) Sara: Who ___________________________________________________________?

Matheus: Sônia will visit Jane.

http://Disponível em: Acesso em 30 de jun. de 2020

4. Answer these questions about the text. (Responda as questões segundo o texto lido.)

a) Where will Nick work?

b) When will he start working?

c) Why will he have to work hard?

d) What does The State University offer?

5. Mark an X TRUE or FALSE according to the text. Then, correct the false statements. (Marque um X VERDADEIRO ou FALSO de acordo com o texto. Em seguida, corrija as afirmações falsas).