AULA 09/2022 On the phone / Simple Present and Present Continuous - 02/05/2022


Now, let’s read a postcard and remember to pay attention in the cognate words. (Agora, vamos ler um cartão-postal e lembre-se de prestar atenção nas palavras cognatas.

  1. After reading, answer the questions in your notebook. (Depois de ler, responda as perguntas em seu caderno.)

a) O cartão-postal (Post card) é um dos diversos gêneros textuais usados no cotidiano com diferentes finalidades. Nele encontramos o remetente aquele que envia a mensagem, e o destinatário, aquele que recebe a mensagem enviada. Identifique o remente e o destinatário do post card.

b) Ao lermos o post card, observamos que o destinatário solicita uma ajuda ao remetente. Qual é a ajuda solicitada? Qual é o motivo dessa solicitação?

On the telephone
Sarah: Hello, Sarah is speaking.
José: Hi, Sarah. José is speaking. How are you?
Sarah: I am fine, and you?
José: I am pretty good. What are you doing now, Sarah?
Sarah: I am doing my English homework.
José: Do you always study in the afternoon?
Sarah: Yes, I do. What is your mom doing now?
José: She is watching TV and my dad is cooking dinner.
Sarah: What is he cooking?
José: He is grilling a steak.
Sarah: That is delicious!!
José: And your parents? What are they doing?
Sarah: They are visiting my grandmother.


Speak: falar                                    Steak: bife                               Doing: fazendo                                         Parents: pais                                   Homework: atividade de casa

Visit: visitar                                    Study: estudar                         Grandmother: avó

Mom: mamãe                                  Watch: assistir                         Cook: cozinhar

2. Após lermos o diálogo entre Sarah e José, responda em inglês as questões a seguir.

a) What is Sarah doing?

b) What does Sarah always do in the afternoon?

c) Is José’s dad cooking dinner?

3. No diálogo entre Sarah e José, quem está assistindo TV?

  (A) A mãe de Sarah.

  (B) A mãe de José.

  (C) O pai de Sarah.

  (D) O pai de José.

4. Identifique a frase verdadeira de acordo com o diálogo.

  (A) José is doing his homework.

  (B) Sarah does not study in the afternoon.

  (C) José’s father is grilling a steak.

  (D) Sarah’s parents are watching TV.

5. Look at the pictures and write sentences telling what the people are doing. Follow the example. (Olhe as figuras e escreva frases dizendo o que as pessoas estão fazendo. Siga o exemplo.)

6. Write the correct 3rd Person form. Remember the spelling rules! (Escreva a forma correta da 3ª Pessoa. Lembre-se das regras de ortografia!)

 a) eat _________      

 b) do ________                                     

 c) study ________

 d) watch ________

 e) drink ________    

 f) make ________   

 g) play _________

7. Choose the correct verb form. (Escolha a forma verbal correta.)

a) We go/goes to school by bus.

b) I speak/speaks Italian and Japanese.

c) He don’t/doesn’t do P.E in the classroom.

d) My friends don’t like/likes art.

e) She teach/teaches in a primary school.

f) I don’t copy/copies their homework.

g) They finish/finishes work at 8.30 in the evening.

8. Complete the crossword. Use the rules in the affirmative form in the 3rd person singular of the verbs in the box. (Complete a palavra cruzada. Use as regras do simple present na forma afirmativa na 3º pessoa do singular com os verbos da caixa abaixo.

9. Coloque o verbo entre parênteses no Present Continuous

a) The Children ___________ in the Garden (play).
b) She ______________ fast today (drive).
c) They ______________ each Other today (not talk).
d) Be quiet please. The baby ____________ (sleep).
e) At the moment my wife __________ the dogs and I _________ the plants (feed/water).

10. Grife o verbo que está no “present continuous tense” no trecho da canção abaixo, em seguida, faça a tradução desse verbo.

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