AULA 11/2022 – Facts and Opinions about Basketball and Linking words. - 26/05/2022

Disponível em:   Acesso em 29 de abr. de 2021.

Disponível em:   Acesso em 29 de abr. de 2021.

  1. Read each sentence and write FACT next to each statement that is a fact and OPINION next to each statement that is an opinion. (Leia cada frase e escreva FACT ao lado de cada afirmação que é um fact e OPINION ao lado de cada afirmação que é uma opinion.)

___________ Basketball is an exciting sport.

___________ Basketball is a team sport.

___________ Volleyball is better than Basketball.

___________ Women’s basketball began in 1892.

2. Identifique no texto a seguir uma expressão típica da linguagem informal e reescreva-a na linguagem padrão.

Disponível em:  Acesso em 29 de abr. de 2021

3. Write sentences about your favorite sport. You can write about some facts and about your opinion. (Escreva sentenças sobre o seu esporte favorito. Você pode escrever sobre fatos e sobre a sua opinião.)

Disponível em: Acesso em 03 de maio de 2021.

4. Answer these questions and then ask your friends. Take notes in the following chart. (Responda essas perguntas e depois pergunte a seus amigos. Faça as anotações na tabela a seguir.)

History of the Springfield building – Basketball Hall of Fame

Disponível em:  Acesso em 29 de abr. de 2021. (Adaptado)

The Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame was established in 1959 without a physical location by Lee Williams. In the 1960s, the Basketball Hall of Fame struggled to raise enough money for the construction of its first facility. However, during the following half-decade the necessary amount was raised, and the building opened on Feb. 17, 1968, less than one month after the National Basketball Association played its 18th All-Star Game. In addition to honoring those who contributed to basketball, the Hall of Fame sought to make contributions of its own.

5. Identifique o valor semântico das Linking words das orações a seguir.

a) HOWEVER, during the following half-decade the necessary amount was raised (…)

b) IN ADDITION TO honoring those who contributed to basketball, the Hall of Fame sought to make contributions of its own.

6. Answer these questions. (Responda estas perguntas.)

a) When did the Basketball Hall of Fame struggle to raise money for the construction of its first facility?

b) Did the building open on Feb. 17,1968?

Why Basketball is the Best Sport

Disponível em:   Acesso em 29 de abr. de 2021. (Adaptado)

Do you think that baseball is boring, Basketball is the best sport because you don’t need money to play, You can play it alone, And there is entertainment like no other.
First of all, You don’t need money to play. You just need a hoop and a ball. You can spend 20$ on a ball. Also, Just go to a local park or school and shoot. You don’t need money to play basketball. Also, You can play it alone. What other sport can you play alone. Basketball is the best sport. It is the best sport because it has great entertainment, You don’t need money to play, There is entertainment like no other, And you can play by yourself. You should try basketball.                                                

7. All these sentences are wrong. Identify errors and correct them according to the text above. (Todas essas frases estão erradas. Identifique os erros e corrija-os de acordo com o texto acima.)

a) You need a lot of money to play basketball.

b) People can’t play basketball alone.

Analise o cartum a seguir.

Disponível em: Acesso em 06 de maio de 2020

8. O cartum pode ser considerado uma forma de levar ao público leitor, de maneira diferenciada e rápida, o debate sobre os mais variados temas da atualidade. Desse modo, observamos que o cartum acima promove o debate sobre

(A) o hábito das pessoas idosas gostarem de dialogar com as crianças.

(B) o consumo excessivo de novas tecnologias pelos jovens e idosos.

(C) o uso exagerado da tecnologia na sociedade moderna.

(D) a valorização do idoso pelos jovens que se preocupam com o seu bem-estar.

9. A palavra WHEN no cartum indica 

(A) modo.

(B) tempo

(C) lugar.

(D) frequência.

Read the cartoon. (Leia o cartum.)

Disponível em: acesso em: 06 de maio de 2022.

10. Quem são os personagens do cartum?

11. Escreva em inglês o nome do esporte e dos elementos que fazem parte dessa modalidade que está no cartum.

12. Traduza o pensamento do jogador com a bola e explique a ironia presente no cartum.