AULA 11/2023 – Revisão - 02/08/2023


Leia o texto para responder às atividades:

Large Deposit Of Hidden Water Discovered On Mars

Researchers have long suspected that Mars was once home to several rivers, lakes, and perhaps even oceans. […] Now, scientists have finally found evidence of a large water reservoir just a few feet below the surface of the Red Planet’s Valles Marineris canyon system.
Located along the equator of Mars, the Valles Marineris is one of the Solar System’s largest canyons. […] NASA estimates that if the Valles Marineris were on Earth, it would stretch across1 the continental United States – all the way from New York to California.
“We found a central part of Valles Marineris to be packed full of water – far more water than we expected,” said study co-author Alexey Malakhov, a scientist at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. […]
The scientists who revealed their findingns in a press statement on December 15, 2021, suspect the water is in the formo f ice. If true it could make up as much as 40 percent of the area’s near-surface material. […] The team plans to analyse more data to determine the water’s form. […] they believe the Discovery is a game-changer for potential human missions to the Red Planet. […]

*Vocabulário: 1stretch across: se estender ao longo.

AHMED, Shariqua. Large Deposit Of Hidden Water Discovered On Mars. In: Dogo News. Disponível em:

Acesso em: 29 abr. 2022. Fragmento. (LEM080114I7_SUP)

1.A informação principal desse texto está no trecho:
A) “Researchers have long suspected that Mars was once home to several rivers, …”. (1º parágrafo).
B) “… scientists have finally found evidence of a large water reservoir just a few feet below the surface of the Red Planet’s…”. (1º parágrafo).
C) “… the Valles Marineris is one of the Solar System’s largest canyons.”. (2º parágrafo).
D) “NASA estimates that if the Valles Marineris were on Earth, it would stretch across the continental United States…”. (2º parágrafo).

2. De acordo com esse texto, o Valles Marineris é um

3. Nesse texto, no trecho “… the discovery is a game-changer…” (4º parágrafo), o termo destacado foi usado para
A) apontar que os dados apresentados pelos cientistas podem sofrer alterações.
B) expressar que a descoberta trará novas possibilidades para explorar Marte.
C) indicar que os cientistas envolvidos na pesquisa estão criando um jogo de videogame.
D) informar que a NASA costuma mudar o foco das pesquisas realizadas no espaço.

Leia o texto e responda:

Finally free! Man removes tire from crocodile’s neck after 6 years

A crocodile in Indonesia that had a motorcycle tire stuck around its neck for six years has had a huge weight lifted from its shoulders.
The croc was set free by a 35-year-old animal lover named Tili, in the city of Palu on the island of Sulawesi on Feb. 7. Like many Indonesians, Tili uses only one name.
“I just can’t stand to see animals hurt […]” said Tili, whose wildlife expertise is self-taught.
His efforts are being celebrated by locals – and those who had attempted previous rescues […].
It isn’t clear how the crocodile, which at four metres is the length of a standard car, originally got the tire stuck around its neck.
Wildlife wranglers¹ from all over the world had tried to free the crocodile after it was first spotted in 2016.
In 2020, local conservation officials even offered an unspecified reward for anyone who could free the croc.
That same year, American outdoor adventurer and TV presenter Forrest Galante attempted a rescue.
Gallante told CBC that he and his crew² spotted the crocodile shortly after landing in Palu […].
They never got the chance to attempt a rescue. […]

1wranglers: pessoas que trabalham controlando e protegendo animais;
2crew: equipe.

CBC KIDS NEWS. Finally free! Man removes tire from crocodile’s neck after 6 years. 2022. Disponível em: Acesso
em: 28 abr. 2022. Fragmento. (LEM080111I7_SUP)

4. Nesse texto, no trecho “‘I just can’t stand to see animals hurt…’” (3º parágrafo), o termo destacado tem o mesmo sentido de

5. O assunto desse texto é
A) a importância dos defensores de animais.
B) a libertação de um crocodilo preso em um pneu.
C) os programas de TV sobre animais selvagens.
D) os zoológicos localizados na Indonésia.

Leia o texto para responder às atividades:

6. Entende-se desse texto que gatos
A) costumam ter dores nas costas.
B) dormem em posições inusitadas.
C) ficam irritados com frequência.
D) têm dificuldade para dormir.

7. O objetivo desse texto é

Para responder às atividades, leia o texto a seguir:

Bear Boy: An Indomitable1 Inspiration

Justin Barker’s autobiography, Bear Boy, tells the story of an indomitable youth whose passion for animal rights grips him by the hand² and never lets go. With a foreword3 by Jane Goodall, it becomes clear within the first few pages that this novel is to be a good one. Written for a juvenile audience, Justin’s story is both inspiring and relatable […]. Taking place during middle and high school, Justin began his animal activism when he discovered the appalling4 conditions that many animals were forced to live in at local zoos. […] Throughout the novel, the reader grows with Justin as his fight to save the bears gains traction and his activism spreads. […]
This book is the perfect read for any kid who wants to make a difference but has been told they can’t, and will serve as an inspiration to many to keep fighting for what’s right.

1indomitable: indomável.
2grips him by the hand: o pega pela mão.
3foreword: prefácio.
4appaling: terrível.

Disponível em: Acesso em: 2 maio 2022. Fragmento. (LEM080119I7_SUP)

8. Esse texto foi escrito para
A) defender uma opinião.
B) divulgar uma pesquisa.
C) ensinar uma tarefa.
D) narrar uma história.

9. Nesse texto, no trecho “… but has been told they can’t, …” (2º parágrafo), o termo destacado foi usado para
A) apontar explicação.
B) demonstrar adição.
C) expressar oposição.
D) marcar conclusão.

10. Nesse texto, no trecho “… it becomes clear…” (1º parágrafo), o termo destacado significa

11. Escolha uma frase do texto, copie e escreva o significado dela.

Bristol Zoo celebrates birth of twin golden lion tamarins

Zookeepers have welcomed the arrival of twin golden lion tamarins.
The infants, born at Bristol Zoo Gardens last weekend, are living with their mum Missy, dad Dourado and older siblings Manchego, Rae and Leicester.
Curator of mammals, Lynsey Bugg, said both babies were “thriving”, adding they looked “strong and alert”.
The infants are especially significant as they are part of a global breeding programme to safeguard the future of the monkeys.
Ms Bugg said: “Both Missy and Dourado have been supporting each other and as the twins get a little older, we’ll see the older siblings help out. […]
It will be some time before keepers at the zoo are able to identify the sex of the golden lion tamarins, which currently weigh about 60g each and are just 10cm (4in) long. […]
[…] a zoo spokesperson said thanks to zoos, golden lion tamarins had become “one of the world’s major conservation success stories”.
They were down-listed in 2003 from Critically Endangered to Endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature Red List.

BBC NEWS. Bristol Zoo celebrates birth of twin golden lion tamarins. Disponível em:
Acesso em: 3 maio 2022. Fragmento. (LEM080132I7_SUP)

12. Localize o trecho que contém a informação principal desse texto e sublinhe-a.

13. Nesse texto, no trecho “… they looked ‘strong and alert’…” (3º parágrafo), o termo destacado tem o mesmo significado de
A) olhar.
B) parecer.
C) procurar.
D) vestir.

14. Nesse texto, no trecho “… are living with their mum Missy, dad Dourado and older siblings Manchego, Rae and Leicester.” (2º parágrafo), o termo destacado foi usado para
A) apontar explicação.
B) expressar oposição.
C) indicar adição.
D) marcar conclusão.

Leia o texto a seguir:

15. Entende-se desse texto que:
A) Dita costuma correr pela casa.
B) Dita finge que não ouve a menina.
C) Dita não sabe a hora certa de acordar.
D) Dita se alimenta várias vezes por dia.

16. Nesse texto, no trecho “… lets do something fun…”, o termo destacado é um exemplo de linguagem
A) arcaica.
B) científica.
C) coloquial.
D) formal.

Leia o texto a seguir:

The Winter Solstice Explained

On Tuesday, December 21, Northern Hemisphere residents will enjoy the shortest day of 2021. Known as the winter solstice1, it also marks the start of the astronomical winter season. This means that while the days following will grow longer, they will also be colder. Conversely, Southern Hemisphere residents will celebrate the summer solstice – the beginning of their astronomical summer – with the longest day and shortest night of the year.
The disparate seasons result from the Earth’s rotation around the Sun and its own axis2, which is tilted at a 23.5-degree angle. The December solstice marks the time when the Northern Hemisphere is farthest away from the sun. Hence, it receives significantly less sunlight than the Southern Hemisphere, which is tilted3 towards the star.
The solstice date varies slightly from year to year and can fall anywhere from December 20th to 23rd. That’s because the Gregorian calendar has 365 days, with an extra “leap” day4 every four years. It does not correspond precisely with the solar year, which lasts 365.2422 days. Though the entire day is celebrated, the solstice occurs when the sun reaches its southernmost point in the sky. In 2021, that will be at 10:59 am EST (7:59 am PST). […]

1solstice: um evento astronômico em que um dos polos da Terra encontra-se no seu ponto máximo de inclinação em direção ao Sol.
2axis: eixo.
3tilted: inclinado.
4leap day: dia bissexto.

DOLASIA, Meera. The Winter Solstice Explained. In: Dogo News. Disponível em:
Acesso em: 3 maio 2022. Fragmento. (LEM080129I7_SUP)

17. Copie o título do texto e escreva o seu significado.

18. O objetivo desse texto é

19. De acordo com esse texto, em que dia de dezembro os moradores do hemisfério norte apreciarão o dia mais curto de 2021?

20. Nesse texto, no trecho “… will grow longer, they will also be colder.” (1º parágrafo) a terminação “-er” nos termos destacados foi usada para
A) apontar oposição.
B) expressar comparação.
C) indicar duplicidade.
D) marcar proximidade.