AULA 15/2022 – Facts/Opinions and If-clauses - 29/08/2022

Disponível em: Acesso em 03 de set. de 2020.

Disponível em: Acesso em 03 de set. de 2020.

You can watch a video about If-clauses, if it is possible.

http://Disponível em: Acesso em 22 de jul. de 2021. (Adaptado)

You can watch a video about Fact and opinion, if it is possible.

1. Read each statement and then circle whether it is a fact or opinion. (Leia cada frase e em seguida circule se ela é um fato ou opinião.)

a) José Sarney was the President of Brazil in 1990. FACT/OPINION

b) Gabriel Sara is the greatest soccer player in Brazil. FACT / OPINION

c) Dom Casmurro was written by Machado de Assis. FACT /OPINION

d) Oranges contain both calcium and vitamin C. FACT /OPINION

e) Cats are the prettiest animals. FACT/OPINION

Let’s read a text about Joe’s mother and do some exercises!

Joe and his family lived in Itaguaru. But his mother got a new job in Rio Verde. So, they moved to Rio Verde last month. He likes his new house. He thinks Rio Verde is a great city. There are 241.518 inhabitants there. His mother is an agronomist and studies sustainable ways to make soils more productive and profitable throughout the world.

Disponível em:   Acesso em 22 de jul. de 2021.

2. Mark an X TRUE or FALSE according to the text. (Marque um X no verdadeiro ou falso de acordo com o texto.)

3. Leia o texto novamente e retire duas sentenças que sejam FACTS e duas que sejam OPINIONS.


Let’s read a comic strip and do some exercises!

http://Disponível em: Acesso em 27 de ago. de 2020.

4. Ao lermos a Comic strip, observamos que Anthony e sua amiga utilizam a palavra PLACE com significados diferentes. Identifique-os e explique o uso da Second Conditional no último quadrinho.


Read the text below. (Leia o texto abaixo.)

http://Disponível em: Acesso em 27 de ago. de 2020.

5. Responda a essas perguntas de acordo com o texto.

a) Por que Katie não tem certeza de ir acampar no parque nacional?

b) Os ursos pretos ficam longe das pessoas?

c) Quando ela terá medo?

d) O que acontecerá se você deixar os ursos sozinhos?

6. Complete the sentences and make Zero Conditionals. (Complete as frases e faça Zero Conditionals.)

a) If you _____________ (touch) a fire, you _______________ (get) burned.

b) Snakes ________________ (bite) if they _______ (be) scared

c) If babies ________ (be)hungry, they _____________ (cry).

7. Complete the sentences and make First Conditionals. (Complete as frases e faça as Primeiras Condicionais.)

a) If you sister ____________ (go) to São Simão de Goiás, she _________________ (have) a great time.

b) If you _______________ (get) a haircut, you _______________ (look) much better.

c) If they ________________ (watch) this scary film, they ______________ (not sleep).

8. Complete the sentences and make Second Conditionals.  (Complete as frases e faça as segundas condicionais.)

a) If they ________________________ (have) enough money, they _________________________ (buy) a big farm.

b) If you ________________________ (speak) perfect Spanish, you ________________________ (have) that job in Argentina.

c) If my parents __________________ (be) celebrities, they _______________________ (be) very famous.

9. Finish the sentences with a clause in the correct conditional.  (Termine as frases com uma cláusula no condicional correto.)

a) If it is sunny tomorrow ___________________________________________________________________

b) If you sit in the sun too long _____________________________________________________________

c) If I were you ______________________________________________________________________________

d) If I won the lottery _______________________________________________________________________

10. Choose the right answer to complete the sentences in the Quiz. (Escolha a resposta certa para completar as frases do Quiz.)