AULA 16/2023 – REVISÃO - 09/10/2023

  1. After reading the text, complete the table according to John’s routine. Pay attention to the time.
    (Complete a tabela abaixo conforme a rotina de John. Preste atenção aos horários.)
  1. Answer the questions about information present in the text about John. (Responda as perguntas sobre
    informações presentes no texto sobre John.)
    a) What is his full name?
    b) Who does he have breakfast with?
    c) What does he do after breakfast before going to school?
    d) What does he do after school at home?
    e) Does he always help his mother before dinner?
  1. Complete the blanks with the right time indicated by the clock in the pictures. (Preencha os espaços
    em branco com a hora correta indicada pelo relógio na imagem.)

Answer the questions according to the information in the text. (Responda as questões de acordo com as
informações do texto.)

  1. Em qual cidade Raquel mora?
    A) Washington, D.C. B) Goiânia, Goiás. C) Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. D) Orlando, Florida.
  1. Qual horário ela acorda?
    A) 7:00 h. B) 11:00 h. C) 6:00 h D) 8:00 h.
  1. O que ela faz depois que acorda?
    A) Toma banho e café da manhã. B) Penteia o cabelo e se veste. C) Escova os dentes e toma banho D) Se veste e vai para a escola.
  1. Ela almoça com quem?
    A) A tia. B) O pai. C) A mãe D) O irmão.
  1. Qual a profissão do pai dela?
    A) Motorista. B) Mecânico. C) Professor D) Advogado.
  1. After analyzing the text above that address the day-to-day routines. Now it’s your turn!! with the help of the teacher, write a short text citing your routine, not forgetting to mention the times of your daily activities and your. (Após analisar os textos acima que abordam as rotinas do dia a dia, agora é a sua vez!! Com a ajuda do professor, escreva um pequeno texto citando sua rotina, não esquecendo de mencionar os horários de suas atividades diárias e seu final de semana.)
  2. Escolha o SPORT correto de acordo com as dicas:

Read the text below and then answer the questions:

Hello, my name is David and my favorite sport is scuba diving, I like practicing it in summer. I go to
my grandmother’s house near the sea on summer and my sister and I catch the grandma’s small boat
and we go far away from the beach. In the water we can see different colored fish, corals, turtles and
sea horses. I also like basketball, I play in a team called “wildcats”, and we win almost all of the matches.
Our coach is really good and he motivates us a lot. What about you? What is your favorite sport?

  1. David informa no texto sobre dois esportes que ele pratica. Qual o esporte favorito de David? E com
    quem ele costuma praticar esse esporte?
  2. Para casa de qual “Family member” David costuma ir no verão?
    13.O segundo esporte que David pratica é o basketball. Qual o nome do time dele?
  3. Você observou que David nos contou alguns hábitos dele?
  4. Você observou que David nos contou alguns hábitos dele?
  1. Marque a alternativa correta:
    a) When do we celebrate the Brazilian Independence day? (Quando comemoramos o dia da
    Independência do Brasil?)
    A) October 12th. B) December 25th. C) September 7th. D) January 10th.

b) Who proclaimed the Brazilian Independence? (Quem proclamou a Independência do Brasil?)
A) Dom Pedro I. B) Pedro Álvares Cabral. C) Manuel Bandeira. D) Dom Pedro II.

c) Which colours can we see in the Brazilian flag? (Quais cores nós podemos ver na bandeira do Brasil)
A) Blue, white, green and black. B) Blue, green, yellow and white. C) Blue, red, yellow and green. D) Red, black, yellow and green.

  1. Agora complete as frases com o Present Continuous utilizando os verbos que se encontram dentro
    dos parênteses. Veja o exemplo:
  1. A frase a seguir está no Present Continuous. Mude-a para as formas negativa e interrogativa:
    a) His is brother is studying English for the test.
    Negative form:
    Interrogative form:
  2. As Word Classes são as classes de palavras. Vamos relembrá-las:

a) Os Verbs são palavras que indicam ação. Circule de green 2 verbos na frase abaixo:
Laura plays soccer on Tuesdays, but I think she is much better at volleyball.

b) Os Adjectives são as palavras que descrevem algo ou alguém. Pinte de blue 2 adjetivos na frase

My mom make a big and delicious chocolate cake every Saturday.

c) Os Nouns são as palavras que nomeiam coisas, lugares, pessoas, etc. Sublinhe de yellow 3
substantivos na frase abaixo:

Those girls go to the school every day by car.

  1. Segundo informações do texto o Richard Campbell é
    A) a high school student. He has 16 years. He lives in a small town in the north of United States.
    B) a high school student. He has 15 years. He lives in a small town in the north of England.
    C) a high school student. He has 17 years. He lives in a big town in the north of England
    D) a high school student. He has 15 years. He lives in a small town in the north of United States.
  2. Read the text about Richard and then chose True or False for each statement.