AULA 20/2022 – Imperativo / Regras da escola - 07/11/2022

http://Disponível em: Acesso em 05 de out. de 2021.

1. Vimos acima que o Imperativo pode exercer diferentes funções, liste abaixo ao menos 5 (cinco) dessas funções:

2. A imagem abaixo representa…

A) order

B) prohibition

C) invitation

D) request

Disponível em:,-cigarette,-smoke-and-cigar-prohibited-symbol.-sign-indicating-the-prohibition-or-rule.-w.html  Acesso em 05 de out. de 2021

3. Observe a imagem e a frase abaixo. Qual a função do Imperativo nessa situação?

A) order

B) prohibition

C) invitation

D) request  

Disponível em: Acesso em 05 de out. de 2021.

4. Complete the sentences (affirmative our negative forms) with the Imperative form of the verbs in brackets. (Complete as frases (formas afirmativas ou negativas) com a forma Imperativa dos verbos entre parênteses.)

a) ____________________________ (not / to drink) that Scotch! You’re going to drive!

b) Please, ____________________________ (to walk) slowly and quietly.

c)  ____________________________ (not / to walk) on the grass!

d) ____________________________ (to listen) me when I’m talking to you!

e) ____________________________ (to repeat) after me: “I won’t do that again!”

5. Classify the sentences in the imperative form below as “positive” or “negative”. (Classifique as frases na forma imperativa abaixo em “positivas” ou “negativas”.)

a) Don’t listen to music! = ________________

b) Write your name! = ___________________

c) Don’t read magazines! = ________________________

d) Wash your hands! = ____________________

e) Drink linden tea! = _____________________

f) Don’t eat junk food! = ___________________

g) Don’t play football in breaks! = _______________

h) Talk quietly! = _____________________

i) Don’t do your homework! = ___________________

j) Sing a song! = _______________________

Read Classroom Rules. (Leia as regras da sala de aula.)

http://Disponível em: Acesso em 05 de out. de 2021

6. Acima temos uma Classroom Rules, leia-as com atenção! Nela é possível notar que todas as regras de boa convivência em sala de aula estão utilizando o tempo Imperativo. Liste abaixo os verbos que você encontrou:

7. Sobre as Classroom Rules, assinale TRUE para as frases verdadeiras e FALSE para as falsas:

8. Mark the sentences that are part of the classroom rules. (Marque as frases que fazem parte das regras da sala de aula.)

a) (   ) Run in the classroom!

b) (   ) Listen to the teacher!

c) (    ) Be late for the lessons!

d) (    ) Be quiet!

e) (    ) Fight!

f) (   ) Keep the classroom clean!

g) (    ) Raise your hand before talking!

h) (    ) Cheat in the exams!

i) (    ) Don’t talk loudly!

j) (    ) Damage the desks!

9. Put the sentences in order in the imperative form. (Coloque as frases em ordem na forma imperativa.)

a) Noise-don’t-make _________________________________________________________________________________________

b) Hands- clap- your _________________________________________________________________________________________

c) the police – call- don’t _____________________________________________________________________________________

d) Say- again- the chant ______________________________________________________________________________________

e) to – the teacher –listen ____________________________________________________________________________________

f) the classroom- keep- tidy __________________________________________________________________________________

g) play – games – don’t _______________________________________________________________________________________

h) your – do – homework _____________________________________________________________________________________

i) a – circle – form _____________________________________________________________________________________________

10. Faça seis frases em inglês das principais regras de convívio da sua escola ou da sua sala de aula.

a) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

b) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

c) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

d) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

e) _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

f) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________