ATIVIDADE 13 – Famous people skills: Can and could - 18/08/2021

1.Mark an X TRUE or FALSE according to the text. (Marque um X no verdadeiro ou falso de acordo com o texto.)

2. Read the texts about Michael Jackson and Ed Sheeran. Then, answer these questions in English.
a) Who could dance and sing very well?
b) Who can sing and play the guitar very well?
c) What was Michael’s nickname?
d) When did Ed Sheeran begin playing the guitar?

3. Match the columns. (Associe as colunas.)

4. Based on the texts about Michael Jackson and Ed Sheeran, write a small text about a famous artist or singer. (Com base nos textos sobre Michael Jackson e Ed Sheeran, escreva um pequeno texto sobre um artista ou cantor famoso.)

5. According to the comic strip, what does the boy think he can do?
a) ( ) He thinks he can play the guitar very well.
b) ( ) He thinks he can play when it is snowy.
c) ( ) He thinks he can put the ball through the hoop.
d) ( ) He thinks he can stop the snow.

6. Unscramble the words and make sentences. (Desembaralhe as palavras para formar sentenças.)

CAN – SHE – THE – PIANO – PLAY _______________________________________

A – COULD – THEY – HORSE – RIDE _______________________________________

7. Complete the sentences with CAN or COULD according to the pictures.

8. Identifique o valor semântico (sentido atribuído às palavras mediante o seu contexto) dos verbos CAN e COULD nas orações do diálogo.
a) You can use my calculator.
b) Sophia can ride a bike very well.
c) Could I use your notebook?
d) Peter could ride a horse when he was 11 years old.

9. Make questions to the answers.
a) ___________________________________________________________?
Yes, Beethoven could play the piano very well when he was 8 years old.
b) ___________________________________________________________?
Yes, Bruno Mars can sing very well.

10. Complete the sentences with CAN / CAN’T / COULD or COULDN’T.
a) You __________ park your car here. It is forbidden.
b) Mayara is a great singer, so she __________ sing very well.
c) When Paulo was 8 years old, he was a great swimmer. So, he __________ swim very well.
d) Michael Jackson was a great singer. He wasn’t a soccer player. So, he __________ play soccer.

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