Music can change the world: future (Will and Going to) – Atividade 10 - 01/06/2021

Leia o Card a seguir:

Disponível em: Acesso em 10 de maio de 2021.

  1. Após a leitura do Card, “30 Day Song Challenge”, elabore outro Card com suas respostas e compartilhe com seus colegas.

Agora, leia o texto sobre a influência da música no mundo.

Music can change the world

Do you ever listen to a song and find yourself moved so deeply you are almost in tears? (…) Music has the power to move us and to change us. Yet today’s music mostly does not seem to have the same earth-moving, society-shaping effects as that of the past. 


Music is an important part of popular culture, it entertains us, and so it is a great platform for discussions on social issues. Concerts are particularly effective because artists have the opportunity to address large crowds. For social messages to take root, they must be accepted by large numbers of people, and individuals are more likely to accept these messages if their peers do. 

When music is played over the radio, people hear and sing along to the songs, repeating the messages so that they and others really hear them. This gives people an opportunity to understand what messages the music holds and then to speak about them.   

Disponível em:  Acesso em 10 de maio de 2021.

2. Answer these questions about the text “Music can change the world”.

a) Does music have the power to move us and to change us?

b) Is music an important part of popular culture?

c) Why are concerts effective?

d) What happens when music is played over the radio?

3. Answer these questions and then ask your friends. Take notes in the following chart. (Responda essas perguntas e depois pergunte a seus amigos. Faça as anotações na tabela a seguir.)

A música “Blowin’ In The Wind” é um dos grandes clássicos de Bob Dylan e uma das maiores canções de protestos de todos os tempos, segundo o Far Out Magazine. Segundo o compositor, ele não escreveu a canção como uma forma de protesto. Leia a letra da música a seguir e responda as questões do exercício 4.

Blowin’ in the wind (Bob Dylan – 1962)

“Yes, and how many years can a mountain exist

Before it’s washed to the sea?

Yes, and how many years can some people exist

Before they’re allowed to be free?

Yes, and how many times can a man turn his head

And pretend that he just doesn’t see?

The answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind

The answer is blowin’ in the wind.”

Disponível em:   Acesso em 10 de maio de 2021.

4. Answer this question in Portuguese.

Why does the writer say that the answer is blowing in the wind?

Zenzile Miriam Makeba, também chamada de “Mama Africa” (Joanesburgo4 de março de 1932 — Castel Volturno10 de novembro de 2008) foi uma cantora, compositora, atriz, embaixadora da boa vontade da ONU e ativista pelos direitos humanos e contra o apartheid sul-africana. Seus gêneros musicais incluíam o jazzWorld Music e Afro-Pop.

Leia a letra da música a seguir e responda os exercícios.

What is Love (Miriam Makeba)

“In this world where people are restless
Wondering where to turn
Looking for the answer
To a question they once learned
And they light their candle
But both ends do they burn

Asking love, what is love
When will they learn
Loving is love
Love, what is love
For people who know
The answer is always love”

Disponível em:   Acesso em 10 de maio de 2021.

5. Match the words in column A with their meanings in column B. 

6. Após a leitura da letra da música “What is Love”, discuta com os colegas e identifique a ideia central.

7. Identifique o referente do pronome THEY no seguinte verso “When will they learn”.

8. Retire do texto uma oração em que o verbo esteja no futuro.

“I’ll” and “I will”

A diferença entre “I’ll” e “I will” são as formalidades. As contrações são geralmente menos formais do que as mesmas duas palavras escritas. Por esse motivo, as formas abreviadas são mais usadas em músicas, charges, cartuns, dentre outros. Você pode usar as contrações na fala e nas mensagens informais, mas não na escrita formal, como em uma avaliação. 

Na letra da música a seguir, o autor usa a forma contrata para se aproximar mais do interlocutor. Observe.

All My Loving (Beatles)

Close your eyes and I’ll kiss you
Tomorrow I’ll miss you
Remember I’ll always be true
And then while I’m away, I’ll write home everyday
And I’ll send all my loving to you

Disponível em:   Acesso em 10 de maio de 2021.

9. Identifique o sentimento do “eu-lírico” na música “All my loving” e comprove sua resposta.

10. Complete the sentences with GOING TO or WILL.

a) I ______________________ (travel) to Rio de Janeiro next month. We have already booked the hotel.

b) Maybe they ______________________ (visit) their friends next week.

c) We think _________________________ (have) pizza for dinner on Saturday.

d) She ____________________________ (buy) a new car. She has worked very hard in order to have enough money.

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