Revisão do 2º corte – Língua Inglesa -7 º Ano – Atividade 11 - 15/06/2021


Leia a Comic Strip a seguir e responda ao exercício 1.

Disponível em:  Acesso em 26 de maio 2021.

Choose the correct alternative to the questions below.

  1. Where did the grandfather go?

a) (     ) He went to the shopping mall.

b) (     ) He went to the hotel.

c) (     ) He went to the farm.

d) (     ) He went to the grocery store.

  2. Did the grandfather go alone?

a) (     ) Yes, he was.

b) (     ) Yes, he did.

c) (     ) No, he wasn’t.

d) (     ) No, he didn’t.

  3. O verbo da oração “Grampa’s growing up so fast” indica

a) (      ) uma ação que estava em progresso no passado.

b) (      ) uma ação que se encontra em progresso.

c) (      ) uma rotina do personagem.

d) (      ) uma ação acabada no passado determinado.

Leia o diálogo a seguir e faça os exercícios 4 e 5.

Ana: Was there an accident on BR060 today?
Bruno: You haven’t heard about it?
Ana: No, do you know what happened?
Bruno: This truck flipped over on BR060. 
Ana: Are you serious?
Bruno: I’m telling you the truth.
Ana: Did anyone get hurt?
Bruno: Two people were injured.
Ana: Are they going to be okay?
Bruno: I think so.
Ana: That’s a miracle that no one was killed.
Bruno: Yes, they were lucky.

Disponível em:   Acesso em 26 de maio 2021

4. Answer these questions.

a) Was there na accident on BR060?

b) What happened to the truck?

c) Did anyone get hurt?

d) Did anyone die?

5. Retire do texto:

a) Uma oração em que o verbo esteja no Present Continuous Tense.

b) Duas orações em que o verbo esteja no Simple Past Tense.

6. Answer these questions and then ask your friends. Take notes in the following chart. (Responda essas perguntas e depois pergunte a seus amigos. Faça as anotações na tabela a seguir.)

7. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the Past continuous.

a) They ___________________________________ (play) video games last night.

b) She ___________________________________ (sleep) when her mother arrived.

c) Lucy ___________________________________ (make) dinner when her called her.

d) We ___________________________________ (do) our homework when David arrived.

8. Fill in the crossword with the Simple Past of the verbs.

Disponível em: Acesso em 26 de maio 2021.

9. Now, it is your time to choose 5 verbs and write 5 sentences about the things you did last month. (Agora, é a sua vez de escolher 5 verbos e escrever 5 sentenças sobre coisas que você fez no mês passado.)

10. Complete these sentences using: AND, BUT, SO, BECAUSE.

a) Richard went to the club, ____________ he didn’t play soccer.

b) My friend plays soccer   _________ basketball.

c) Susan can’t sleep, _________________she’s going to drink a glass of hot milk.

d) They are happy, ____________________ they won the game.

11. Complete the sentences with the correct preposition: IN, ON, AT.

a) David wakes up _______________ 7:30 every day.

b) They always go to Brasília ________________ Saturdays.

c) We traveled by plane __________2018.

12. Match the informal expressions in the first column with the formal expression in the second column. (Associe as colunas.)

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