Word classes (Classes gramaticais), Simple Present and Present Continuous – 6º ano – 4ª quinzena – 3º ciclo – AULA e IMPRESSÃO - 21/10/2020

Word classes (Classes gramaticais):        

Prepositions: são palavras importantes na construção de uma frase, porque elas se ligam a outros elementos, precedendo-os (substantivos, pronomes, entre outras), para indicar as noções de lugar, direção/movimento, tempo, entre outras funções (IN, ON, AT, AFTER, BEFORE, TO, FOR, etc).


Disponível em: https://practicelanguagesonline.com/2015/08/14/prepositions-in-on-at/ Acesso em 08 de set. de 2020


Articles: são sempre usados diante de um substantivo (noun) e são divididos em Definite Article (THE) e Indefinite Articles (A / AN).


O Definite Article (THE) é usado para nos referir a algo específico ou que já foi mencionado em um discurso anterior. Já os Indefinite Articles (A/AN) são usados quando nos referimos a algo em geralnão especificado.

Disponível em: https://www.cadavies.com/atlantic-ocean.html Acesso em 08 de set. de 2020


This is THE Atlantic Ocean.

Disponível em: https://diaonline.ig.com.br/2020/06/10/temporada-de-2020-do-rio-araguaia-e-cancelada-por-decreto/?utm_source=Thy%C3%A9len+Lorruama&utm_campaign=diaonline-author Acesso em 08 de set. de 2020


That is A good place to visit.

Disponível em: https://www.pinterest.it/pin/284219426462265306/ Acesso em 08 de set. de 2020


She is AN actress.

Let’s watch a video!

Let’s read some texts and do some activities!!!

Disponível em: https://br.pinterest.com/pin/829999406305618980/ Acesso em 08 de set. de 2020


1- Answer these questions in English.

a) Is it important to wear a helmet when you are riding a bike?

b) How does the man describe his helmet?

          To be fit and healthy you need to be physically active. Regular physical activity can help protect you from serious diseases such as obesity, heart disease, cancer, mental illness, diabetes and arthritis. Riding your bicycle regularly is one of the best ways to reduce your risk of health problems associated with a sedentary lifestyle.

        Cycling is a healthy, low-impact exercise that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, from young children to older adults. It is also fun, cheap and good for the environment.

Disponível em https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/healthyliving/cycling-health-benefits   Acesso em 08 de set. de 2020


3- Complete the sentences with the articles (THE / A / AN).

a) My mother has ___________ modern car.

b) She is ____________ attractive woman.

c) There are many stars in _____________ sky.

d) You have ________ idea.

e) Whales live in ____________ sea.

f) Do you have __________ dog?


4- Complete the sentences with the right preposition (IN / ON / AT).

a) Joe’s birthday is ___________ December.

b) I get up ___________ six o’clock.

c) She lives ________________ Araguaia Avenue.

d) They study _________________ 985, Goiás Avenue.

e) ___________ Monday, I like to watch TV at night.

f) There are beautiful parks to visit __________ Goiânia.

Disponível em https://www.outsideonline.com/2415990/summer-camp-reboot-coronavirus   Acesso em 08 de set. de 2020 (Adaptado)


      Sofia is 11 years old. She loves cycling. She goes cycling every day. She knows that practicing sports is healthy. So, she gets up at 6 o’clock every day. After that, she goes to the park and rides her bike for 1 hour. Now, she is riding her bike in the park.

       Her classes are in the afternoon. She always invites her friends to go with her.


5- Now, it is your time to write a text about someone that practices sports.  Choose a sport that you like, you can get picture or draw it if you want. You can share your text with your friends. (Agora, é a sua vez de escrever um texto sobre alguém que pratica esporte. Escolha um esporte que goste, você pode pegar uma figura ou pode desenhar se você quiser. Você pode compartilhar o seu texto com seus amigos.)







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