Semana 30 – Inglês – 3ª Série – Artigo de opinião - 29/09/2021

29 de setembro de 2021


ENEM/2011-adaptada) Leia os textos a seguir.


Brazil has always responded quickly through the solidarity of its people. But the same strength that motivates to help others should also motivate us to have citizen attitudes. We can no longer transfer the fault for those who are victims or even for themselves nature, as if it followed human logic. There are lame excuses and lack of competence political class.

Cartas. Istoé, 28 abr. 2010.


We cannot deny the suffering people all hypotheses for predicting disasters. Demagogues blame the residents; the government and city hall appeal for people to leave risk areas and now they say that relocation will be compulsory. So we have to relocate the whole of Brazil! We created a service, similar to SUS, with mandatory allocation of resources budgets with a preventive service network, where architects, engineers, geologists would participate. For better or worse, this “SUS” would organize brigades in places.

In the case of dengue, for example, you could check the conditions for epidemics to occur. It would be good deeds preventive measures.

Carta do Leitor. Carta Capital, 28 abr. 2010 (adaptado).

Os textos apresentados expressam opiniões de leitores acerca de relevante assunto para a sociedade brasileira. Os autores dos dois textos apontam para a

(A) necessidade de trabalho voluntário contínuo para a resolução das mazelas sociais.
(B) importância de ações preventivas para evitar catástrofes, indevidamente atribuídas aos políticos.
(C) incapacidade política para agir de forma diligente na resolução das mazelas sociais.
(D) urgência de se criarem novos órgãos públicos com as mesmas características do SUS.
(E) impossibilidade de o homem agir de forma eficaz ou preventiva diante das ações da natureza.


(ENEM/2012-adaptada) Leia o texto a seguir.

We Brazilians are used to seeing pledges of love, made before God, to be broken by treachery, financial and sexual interests. Couples split up as enemies, when they could be good friends, without traumas. Very interesting the report on separation. But I think the consulted lawyers, competence, they are used to dealing with great separations. Did most readers of magazine has works of art that need to be photographed before separation? It would no longer be useful to give advice more basic? It would not be interesting to show that friendly separation does not interfere with sharing mode of goods? That, whatever the type of separation, it does not will harm the children’s pension rights? What agreement friendly must be signed carefully, as it is quite complicated to change its clauses? I think these are tips that may interest the average reader.

Available at: Revista Época, Access on: Feb., 2, 2012 (adapted).

O texto foi publicado em uma revista de grande circulação na seção de carta do leitor. Nele, um dos leitores manifesta-se acerca de uma reportagem publicada na edição anterior. Ao fazer sua argumentação, o autor do texto

(A) faz uma síntese do que foi abordado na reportagem.
(B) discute problemas conjugais que conduzem à separação.
(C) aborda a importância dos advogados em processos de separação.
(D) oferece dicas para orientar as pessoas em processos de separação.
(E) rebate o enfoque dado ao tema pela reportagem, lançando novas ideias.


(ENEM/2017-adaptada) Leia o texto a seguir.

Re “Girl’s Death by Gunshot Is Rejected as Symbol” (new article, May 6):

I find it abhorrent that the people of Burkesville, Ky., are not willing to learn a lesson from the tragic shooting of a 2-year-old girl by her 5-year-old brother. I am not judging their lifestyle of introducing guns to children at a young age, but I do feel that it’s irresponsible not to practice basic safety with anything potentially lethal – guns, knives, fire and so on. How can anyone justify leaving guns lying around, unlocked and possibly loaded, in a home with two young children? I wish the family of the victim comfort during this difficult time, but to dismiss this as a simple accident leaves open the potential for many more such “accidents” to occur. I hope this doesn’t have to happen several more times for legislators to realize that something needs to be changed.

Emily Loubaton Brooklyn, May 6, 2013. Disponível em:

No que diz respeito à tragédia ocorrida em Burkesville, a autora da carta enviada ao The New York Times busca

(A) reconhecer o acidente noticiado como um fato isolado.
(B) responsabilizar o irmão da vítima pelo incidente ocorrido.
(C) apresentar versão diferente da notícia publicada pelo jornal.
(D) expor sua indignação com a negligência de portadores de armas.
(E) reforçar a necessidade de proibição do uso de armas por crianças.

Programa Seduc em Ação – Videoaula transmitida pela TV Brasil Central, referente à semana 30.