8º ano Língua Inglesa 4ª quinzena 2º corte Manifestações artístico-culturais vinculadas à língua inglesa - 10/06/2020

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Today, we are going to talk about the culture of different countries that have English as native language. (Hoje, falaremos sobre a cultura de diferentes países que possuem o inglês como língua materna.)

Para aprendermos a cultura, observamos a literatura, a música, o teatro, o cinema, a culinária, entre outros.

Culture and Language Learning - YouTube

Quando falamos de inglês, lembramos dos EUA e da Inglaterra, mas gostaria de ressaltar que existem outros países que possuem a língua inglesa como língua materna. Veja o mapa:

paises-que-falam-ingles - Curso de Russo

Os países destacados em verde possuem o inglês como língua materna, por isso para aprendermos esse idioma é importante compreendermos a cultura desses países.

Disponível em: https://novaescola.org.br/plano-de-aula/2119/literatura-e-sociedade-i Acesso em 22 de maio de 2020

01- Answer these questions in English. (Responda as perguntas em inglês.)

a) How old are the novels?

b) Why can authors develop stories with many scenarios, characters and situations?

c) Are there many types of novels?

South African novels:

Themes of racial inequality and a divided society have dominated the literature of South Africa written by white writers, many of whom came from Afrikaans, Dutch and other European heritage, as well as by Black writers.

African writing in general is noted for its rich humour, vitality and energy, yet many of the major South African writers are activists – they had no choice. They wrote great literature but most of all, they wanted it to be important, to tell “the” story, the truth. A strongly political sense of purpose dominates their work.

Disponível em: https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/books/eileen-battersby-s-favourite-south-african-novels-1.2190670 Acesso em 22 de maio de 2020

02- Ao lermos o texto sobre os romances Sul Africanos, percebemos que os temas se concentram em

a) (     ) desigualdade racial e divisão social.

b) (     ) diferenças sociais entre europeus e africanos.

c) (     ) desigualdade econômica e cultural.

d) (     ) heranças culturais europeias e igualdade social.

03- Answer these questions in English. (Responda essas questões em inglês.)

a) What do South African writers want?

b) What dominates their work?

Disponível em: https://www.everythingzoomer.com/arts-entertainment/2019/06/26/15-best-canadian-novels/ Acesso em 22 de maio de 2020

Canadian novel:

The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz by Mordecai Richler

Who can say how many Canadian titans were shaped by the protagonist’s eternal truth: “A man without land is nobody.”


Apprenticeship: aprendizado

04- Who is the author of the Canadian Novel?

05- O protagonista disse uma verdade eterna “A man without land is nobody.” Explique o que você conseguiu entender com essa verdade eterna.

Australian movie

Happy Feet (2006)

Mumble, a young emperor penguin, lives in Antarctica. Like others of his kind, he needs to be able to sing to attract a mate, but he has a terrible voice. Instead, Mumble must express himself, and lure a female through his amazing talent for tap-dancing.


Disponível em: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0366548/plotsummary Acesso em 22 de maio de 2020.

06- Mark an X TRUE or FALSE according to the text and correct the FALSE ones. (Marque um X no verdadeiro ou falso de acordo com o texto e corrija as frases falas.)

07- Answer these questions in English.

a) Why isn’t Mumble able to sing well?

b) What is his talent?

British movie

Pride & Prejudice is a 2005 romantic drama film directed by Joe Wright, in his feature directorial debut, and based on Jane Austen‘s 1813 novel of the same name. The film depicts five sisters from an English family of landed gentry as they deal with issues of marriage, morality and misconceptions.

Disponível em: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pride_%26_Prejudice_(2005_film)Acesso em 22 de maio de 2020

08- Answer these questions in English.

a) When was the book “Pride & Prejudice” written?

b) What issues do they deal with?

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