ATIVIDADE 12 – IF-CLAUSES - 27/07/2021


You can watch some videos about If-clauses.

Let’s do some activities!!!

1. Todos os textos a seguir possuem uma Conditional (If-clause). Identifique-a e verifique a intenção do autor ao usá-la

a) ____________________________________________________

Disponível em:–education-presentation-a2ptjbl8oa Acesso em 20 de ago de 2020.

b) ____________________________________________________

Disponível em: b8b80fa9c6c2442892fd3d73820e1328 Acesso em 20 de ago de 2020.

c) ____________________________________________________

Disponível em: Acesso em 21 de ago de 2020.

2.  According to the If-clauses rules, all the sentences have mistakes. Identify them and correct them. (De acordo com as regras do If-clauses, todas as sentenças têm erros. Identifique-os e corrija-os.)

a) If I had money, I will buy a new house.


b)  If Joe does not pay the ticket, he would not watch the movie.


c) If you did not eat well, you are not healthy.


3. Relacione as colunas a seguir, formando orações condicionais.

(a) If I have time,(    ) if he had time.
(b) He would go to Jataí(    ) I will watch a good movie.
(c) If I eat a lot,(    ) I become fat

Observe os quadrinhos a seguir e responda.

Disponível em: Acesso em 21 de ago de 2020.

4. Identifique a Conditional e a intenção do Dr. Zook ao usá-la no primeiro quadrinho.

5. Answer these questions in English.

a) Does Hagar want to change his lifestyle?

b) Does Dr. Zook think of getting out of the medical profession?

Leia a letra da música a seguir e responda.

Count On Me – Bruno Mars

If you ever find yourself stuck in the middle of the sea,
I’ll sail the world to find you
If you ever find yourself lost in the dark and you
can’t see,
I’ll be the light to guide you

Disponível em: Acesso em 29 de jun. de 2021

6. Ao compor a música, Bruno Mars utiliza duas orações com as If-clauses, identifique-as e explique a sua intenção ao usá-las.

Observe a capa do livro a seguir e resolva o exercício 7.

  1. As autoras do livro escolheram o início de uma If-clause como efeito de persuasão para que as pessoas leiam o livro. Seguindo esse sentido, termine a If-clause, observando o tempo verbal e a intencionalidade das autoras.

Disponível em: Acesso em 30 de jun. de 2021.

Choose the right alternative to complete the sentences in exercises 8 to 10.

8. If Tom won the lottery, he _____________ around the world.
a) ( ) would have travelled
b) ( ) travelled
c) ( ) will travel
d) ( ) would travel

9. If we travel to Pirenópolis, we ________ a lot of waterfalls.
a) ( ) visit
b) ( ) would visit
c) ( ) will visit
d) ( ) visited

10. If it rains, the grass ____________wet.
a) ( ) gets
b) ( ) will get
c) ( ) got
d) ( ) would get

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