Simple Future e Going to – 8º ano – Língua Inglesa – 3ª semana - 20/08/2020

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Different ways of asking 'how are you?' (and replying) in English. » Feelings and Emotions Cards
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1- Answer these questions in English. (Responda as perguntas em língua inglesa.)

a) Who is the author of the text?

b) In the author’s opinion, what is the most important to get a good job?

c) Who helps the author?

2- Mark an X TRUE or FALSE according to the text and correct the false statements. (Marque um X no verdadeiro ou falso de acordo com o texto e corrija as sentenças falsas.)

3- Ao lermos a letra da música “You’re going to lose that girl” dos Beatles, observamos que o autor afirma que seu interlocutor

a) (    ) perderá o jogo com a garota.

b) (     ) perderá a garota caso não a convide para sair.

c) (     ) ganhará a partida de futebol.

d) (     ) ganhará a aposta feita com a garota.

4- Choose the correct answer and make sentences. (Escolha a alternativa correta e forme sentenças.)

4.1. Marcos: My Family _____________ a movie next Saturday.

a) (      ) is going to watch

b) (      ) are going to watch

c) (      ) watches

d) (      ) watched

4.2. Sandra: What ___________ next week? Maria: I am going to study English.

a) (        ) you are going to do

b) (        ) is you going to do

c) (        ) are you going to do

d) (        ) am I going to do

4.3. Fabio: I think they ______________ be doctors in the future.

a) (        ) are going to

b) (        ) will

c) (        ) did

d) (        ) is going to

4.4. Jonatas: I have to call my doctor, but my cell phone is not working.    Sofia: I ___________ him for you.

a) (        ) will not call

b) (        ) am going to call

c) (        ) is going to call

d) (        ) will call

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