Simple Past e Past Continuous – 2ª aula Língua Inglesa 7º ano - 15/05/2020

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Today, we are going to continue our study about Simple Past and Past Continuous. (Hoje continuaremos o nosso estudo sobre o Simple Past e Past Continuous.)

Simple Past: descrever algo que aconteceu em um determinado momento e não acontece mais.

I talked with my friend yesterday. [Eu conversei com o meu amigo ontem.]

He looked at the tall tree. [Ele olhou para a árvore alta.]

It rained a lot this morning. [Choveu muito hoje de manhã.]

We didn’t see the movie. [Nós não vimos o filme.]

Did they enjoy the party? [Eles gostaram da festa?]

Past Continuous: fala de um acontecimento em progresso em torno de um ponto específico no passado

I was walking on the beach. [Eu estava andando na praia.]

I was sweeping the floor when she arrived. [Eu estava varrendo o chão quando ela chegou.]

You were dating Mary. [Você estava namorando a Mary.]

He was leaving when they stopped him. [Ele estava saindo quando o pararam.]

They were having dinner when the rain started. [Eles estavam jantando quando a chuva começou.]

Disponível em: Acesso em 27 de abril de 2020

Was it easy? (Foi fácil?) Temos que ficar muito atentos com o uso dos tempos verbais nos textos.

Para saber mais acesse os links:


01- Read the dialogue and answer the questions in English in your notebook. (Leia o diálogo e responda as perguntas em inglês em seu caderno.)

Marcos and Sarah’s dialogue

Marcos: Hi, Sarah. How are you doing today?

Sarah: I am fine, and you?

Marcos: Very well. Sarah, what did you do yesterday?

Sarah: I made a carrot cake with my mom.

Marcos: Did you watch Gustavo’s live?

Sarah: No, unfortunately I didn’t. In the afternoon, my father was watching a movie when the light went out.

Marcos: Oh! Poor you!! It was great. You can watch it later. Did you finish all the homework?

Sarah: I will watch it later. No, I didn’t finishall the homework. When I was doing the homework, my brother asked me to help him with his English exercises.

Marcos: I finished all the homework yesterday. Did you watch the movie about South Africa? I was watching it when my friend called me. Then, I couldn’t watch it. It was very interesting.

Sarah: A movie about South Africa? That is exciting!!! Were there lions?

Marcos: Yes, there were.

Sarah: Sorry, Marcos I have to say good bye!! A movie about South Africa is waiting for me!!! Bye.

Now, let’s answer the questions. (Agora, vamos responder as perguntas.)

a) What did Sarah do yesterday?

b) Did she watch Gustavo’s live?

c) What was Sarah’s father doing when the light went out?

d) Did Sarah finish her homework? Why (not)?

e) What was Marcos doing when a friend called him?

02- Mark an X TRUE or FALSE according to the text. (Marque um X no verdadeiro ou falso de acordo com o texto.

03- Complete the chart with sentences in the Simple Past and in the Past Continuous. (Complete a tabela com sentenças no Simple Past e no Past Continuous.)

Now, let’s read a comic strip!!

Disponível em: Acesso em 27 de abril de 2020

04- According to the comic strip, describe the three characters in English. (De acordo com a tirinha, descreva os três personagens em inglês.)

05- No último quadrinho, o cachorro fala que a situação descrita no livro por Jon parece familiar. Explique o motivo dessa afirmação feita pelo cachorro.

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