Simple Present e Present Continuous – 2ª aula Língua Inglesa 6º ano - 15/05/2020

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Apanhado sobre o tema:

Disponível em:  Acesso em 27 de abril de 2020.

Observem que o Simple Present descreve um hábito, uma rotina, uma opinião e um fato. Enquanto que o Present Continuous descreve uma ação em progresso, ou seja, uma ação que está acontecendo no momento da fala. É muito importante que vocês percebam a intenção do autor do texto em usar cada tempo verbal.

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Para lermos o texto e evitarmos traduções, prestem atenção nas figuras a seguir.

Daily routines unit 7


01- Read the text and answer the questions in English in your notebook. (Leia o texto e responda as perguntas em inglês em seu caderno.)

The text is about Marcos’s daily routine!!!

Disponível em: Acesso em 27 de abril de 2020

Marcos is a doctor. He looks after sick people. He usually gets up at six thirty (6:30). Today, he is late, it is 7 o’clock and he is still at home. He usually goes to work by bus, but today he is driving his car. Now, it is seven fifteen (7:15) and he is driving his car.

He always arrives at the hospital at half past seven (7:30), but today he is getting at the hospital at seven forty-five (7:45).

He always has lunch at midday (12 o’clock). It is midday, but he is not having lunch. He is looking after sick patients.

a) What does Marcos do?

b) What time does he usually get up?

c) How does he usually go to work?

d) What is he doing at midday today?

02- Mark an X TRUE or FALSE according to the text. (Marque um X no verdadeiro ou falso de acordo com o texto.

a) Marcos gets up at six twenty. TRUE ( ) FALSE ( )

b) He is not late today. TRUE ( ) FALSE ( )

c) He looks after healthy people.TRUE ( ) FALSE ( )

d) He always goes to work by bus. TRUE ( ) FALSE ( )

03- You noticed, in the text, that the verbs are in the Simple Present or in the Present Continuous. (Vocês observaram, no texto, que os verbos estão no Simple Present ou no Present Continuous.) Now, it is your time to rewrite these sentences in the graphic below. (Agora, é a sua vez de reescrever essas sentenças no gráfico a seguir.)

04- Now, complete the sentences with the Simple Present or the Present Continuous.

a) John __________________________ (work) now.

b) Mary _________________________ (dance) at weekends.

c) They __________________________ (study) every day.

d) We ___________________________ (watch) TV at the moment.

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